The End Has Come…

If you’ve been following My Reading Nook for a while, you know there hasn’t been a review posted here in a very long time, just promo for new releases and a few spotlights. You may have also heard that my Goodreads account was deleted — for no apparent reason — in the spring.  For weeks, I had a rather frustrating back and forth with GR that ended in them telling me they couldn’t do anything to restore my account.

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I took that as a sign. In these last months I’ve just gone back to being a reg ol’ reader and not a blogger.  If/when I’m feeling like giving more than a star rating, you can find it on my Amazon profile.  I have to say it’s been refreshing and a welcome respite from the pressure, albeit self-imposed, I felt to write thoughtful, in-depth reviews on this site.

If I can’t offer y’all my all, then my time to exit stage left has come. So with a heavy heart, the time has come to bid the blogging world goodbye. Like fo’ real…because admittedly I checked out months ago.

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Don’t worry, I’m not totally disappearing. The site will still be up for a while so you can read past reviews, if you’re on the late train.  Also, you’ll still be able to find me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter where I’ll post whatever the hell I wantahem….new releases and other books I’m feeling at the moment.  You’ll also be able to find my reviews on Amazon.

Thank you to everyone for your support over the last couple of years.  Words can’t express how much it’s meant to me! Truly!




Coco  💋 💋 💋






2 thoughts on “The End Has Come…

  1. Sis, I ain’t even mad… I’ve had my finger on the trigger off and on for a while. Your blogging sisters are here to support you, no matter what you do.

    Thank you for the posts and gifs…And see ya in these internet skreets ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Although I completely understand, I am so sorry to see you leave. I follow you in other places,so at least I will still get to see you around in other places. Peace and blessings girl!

    Liked by 1 person

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